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The Value of a Consistently High Interest Rate

November 7, 2022
min read

Since the beginning, Achieva has offered our customers highly competitive interest rates, securely and without hassle, allowing you to grow your savings confidently.

Online banks, especially new entrants to the market, often offer high introductory rates to attract interest. But these rates are only temporary, and clients are often disappointed with the lower rates offered once they move their funds.

It’s better to find a financial institution that consistently offers better rates; that is what we have been doing at Achieva Financial for over 20 years. We are the longest-standing online savings solution in Canada.

Other financial institutions and online banks often compete by offering rate promotions for a limited time or to the select few that they have directly targeted based on set criteria. Savers and investors move their money from one institution to another to capture a slightly higher rate.  

This requires effort for what is sometimes a minor difference in return.

Since the beginning, Achieva has offered our customers highly competitive interest rates, securely and without hassle, allowing you to grow your savings confidently.  Instead of teaser rates or promotions, everyone gets our best rate, always, on every dollar you save with us.

In addition to our competitive rates, there are no monthly fees for an Achieva account, and you receive one free outgoing direct transfer, cheque or pre-authorized debit per month.  It is easy to open an account with Achieva either online or with our mobile app.

Learn more about Achieva’s savings accounts.

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Our goal is to make complex topics like this one, simple.

“I had a wonderful experience at Cambrian. I've been with the same institution for the last 21 years and all the fees and restrictions have finally pushed me into wanting to make some changes.

My advisor was prepared for my arrival with all the documents ready and waiting. He took the time to go over each one...”

Read full client story

on his experience with Cambrian


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