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Online Security

Achieva Financial makes information and account security a top priority. We use advanced technologies to protect your information against unauthorized access, alteration or misuse.

Achieva Online Security Features

Whether you are paying your bills with Achieva Online or just checking your account balance, Achieva has gone to great lengths to ensure your confidentiality and security.

Secure messages, email, and logging out

Generally speaking, email is not secure. You should never include account numbers, credit card numbers or passwords in an email. Only general inquiries should be sent from your home or office email address.

To offer our customers a safe way to communicate with Achieva electronically, we offer a secure messaging feature within Achieva Online Banking. You may use it to send personal and confidential messages that will be communicated directly to Achieva, not sent like regular email. This can be found on the left side navigation bar of Achieva Online Banking by clicking on "Secure Messaging."

For your protection, we require that you log in when using our online banking website and recommend that you log out when you are done. You should never leave your computer unattended while logged in. As added protection, we will automatically log you out if there has been no online activity for a period of time.

We recommend that you close your browser after using Achieva Online Banking. This will ensure that any information temporarily stored in your browser is erased, preventing others from viewing this information later. This is particularly important when using common or public computers such as at a library, internet café, or school.


Encryption is used for all online transactions or whenever personal or financial information is requested of you. Encryption encodes the information that flows between your computer and our computer systems scrambling the data into an unreadable format, making it very difficult for unauthorized individuals to intercept, read or alter your online communications.

We require that your browser support 128-bit encryption when you access Achieva Online Banking. If your browser does not support 128-bit encryption, you will likely receive an error message when you attempt to login to our secure website.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Achieva Online Banking offers Two-Factor Authentication. Two-Factor Authentication helps protect your online accounts from hackers by adding an extra layer of security when logging on from an unrecognized device. Instead of only entering a password to log in, you’ll also enter a code which is sent via text message to your mobile phone or sent to an email address. This verification helps make sure that you, and only you, can access your account. For additional security, you have the option to enable two-factor authentication every time you log in, regardless of whether you have used the device in the past or not.

Use of Cookies

Our Achieva Online Banking Service uses "cookies" to maintain a connection with you. A cookie is a small amount of information, stored on your computer in an encrypted form that is intermittently sent to and from our Online Banking Server. As you move from page to page within our online banking system, our server checks its cookie to ensure requests for information are coming from the person who originally signed in. These cookies ensure that each session is unique and authorized between the user and Achieva Online Banking. When you sign out these cookies expire.

Pop-up advertising

Achieva Financial does not permit third party advertising on our website. That includes pop-up advertising.