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Referral Bonus

To show our appreciation to Achieva customers who refer us to their fellow savers, we offer a cash reward through our Referral Bonus program.

Earn up to $100

If you have been referred to us by an Achieva customer, use the referral code they provided you to open a qualifying account. As well as getting all the benefits of saving with Achieva, we will reward both of you with a $25 cash reward.

Each Achieva customer can earn up to 4 referral rewards each year, for a maximum cash reward of $100 per year.

You can make a referral when you are logged into Achieva Online Banking or the Achieva Mobile App.
To qualify for the referral reward:
  • Meet regular account opening eligibility
  • Have minimum of $250 in new qualified account
  • Account must remain open for at least one month
  • No one named on an Achieva account in the last 12
    months is eligible
See Terms and Conditions for full details.